Dental Education Events

dental education events


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Presented by

Dr. Michael Major


March 14, 2025

Malocclusion & Medical History: A Dentists Guide to Pediatric Airway & Sleep Medicine

OSA is more common than cancer, and it is a serious health risk for ADHD and depression. It is a key contributor to hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of gum disease and fractured teeth.  Yet, in spite of OSA’s wide-reaching effects, we’ve only scratched the surface of understanding this multidimensional disease.

This lecture aims to expose the connection between medical history and malocclusion and introduce dentists to a practical framework for guiding patient care.  By identifying phenotypes of clinical patterns, the information shared will support the dentist’s ability to accurately screen, properly triage, and assist in case selection for treating children with sleep-disordered breathing.


Carriage House Conference Centre
9030 Macleod Trail South
Calgary, Alberta T2H 0M4

Presented by

Dr. Ana & Graz Giglio

March 21-22, 2025

Transforming your Practice with Digital Technology

This lecture and hands-on course is designed to teach the entire dental team how to integrate a digital workflow into a dental office. Restorative dentists and surgeons are encouraged to attend this course with their assistants, hygienists, laboratory technicians, and treatment coordinators. At the conclusion of this two-day course, the entire dental team will have gained an understanding of the major components that make up a successful private practice. 

Through a carefully designed curriculum with exciting hands-on workstations, all critical steps for a digital workflow will be explained in detail for each team member. Every participant will receive one-on-one hands-on instructions in a clinical setting utilizing the latest educational mannequins available. In addition, participants will experience intraoral scanning, smile design, face scanning, CBCT acquisition, presurgical and restorative planning, prosthetic designing, 3D printing, and milling of surgical guides, provisionals, and definitive prostheses.


G Dental
16 East 52nd Street, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10022


Presented by

Dr. Amanda Seay & Dr. Adamo Notarantonio

August 22-23, 2025

Im.P.R.E.S in the Mountains

Explore the multifaceted realm of esthetic dentistry, encompassing both direct and indirect restorations. This lecture delves into the intricacies of crafting beautiful composite restorations, breaking down the seemingly complex process into clear, manageable steps.

Emphasis is placed on the significance of natural morphology, color, and light in achieving the harmonious balance crucial for composite restorations. Delve into the finer nuances like texture and luster, integral pieces in the art of recreating nature. Transitioning to indirect restorations, the lecture addresses risk assessment in preparation design for porcelain restorations, highlighting the potential drawbacks of interdisciplinary dentistry that may lead to unnecessary enamel removal. Furthermore, focus is placed on the pivotal roles of dental photography and laboratory communication in achieving esthetic excellence, underscoring the importance of teamwork and high-quality visual documentation. The lecture culminates in a showcase of presentations designed to equip participants in tackling challenging cases, ranging from malaligned teeth and dark preparations to canine substitutions and diastema closures.


Banff Centre
107 Tunnel Mountain Drive
Banff, AB  T1L 1H5


Presented by

Dr. Katya Archambault & Dr. Thanos Kristallis

Dr. Katya-Archambault

18-20, 2025

The New Digital Practice Workflow Update 2025 in Beautiful Greece

In the heart of the Athens Riviera, an update on all digital technologies including new 3D printing protocols and new advancements in Cad-Cam milling, which are the new disrupters in dental and implant digital dentistry. This course will allow the participants to master chairside digital technologies. Digital imaging and digital data capturing new technologies will be taught as well as immersion in the different data capturing technologies. Breakthrough technologies, such as static and dynamic facial scanning, intraoral scanning, and recording of dynamic occlusion will be presented as well as their integration with the different digital clinical workflows. The participants by the end of the 3-day course will comprehend a thorough CBCT interpretation and TMJ diagnostic overview and the correlation to the different occlusal schemes, chairside digital smile design, computing-driven artificial intelligence, and Cad design through EXOCAD, 3shape software. The participants will learn and become competent in the digital designing of full arch veneers and full arch crowns, implant planning, and 3D printing the surgical implant guides and restorations, using the latest 3D printing materials, and Cam Milling technologies and materials. Post-processing, curing, and sintering protocols, staining, glazing techniques, and final cementation recommendations will be presented. Enjoy the Greek experience with delicious food in an amazing decor.

Dr. Katya Archambault
Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist. Adjunct Faculty Head and Neck Surgery and Otorynolaryngology UCSD. Adjunct Faculty Department of Plastic Surgery UCSD.

Dr. Thanos Kristallis
UCLA and UCSD Faculty Board-Certified Prosthodontist and Cosmetic Dentist.


11 Litous Street, Vouliagmeni, Athens 166 71, Greece
9:00am – 3:00pm EET
Breakfast and lunch included.
Registration fees: $3,400 USD

Pace logo

Cerum Dental Supplies Ltd (formerly Aurum)
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.

Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
6/1/2023 to /31/2025.
Provider ID# 208706.


Three Ways to Be an Effective Leader

Three Ways to Be an Effective Leader  By Chad Gibson, Leadership and Business Growth Specialist What can you start doing to be a more effective leader ...
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RODO Medical and The Aurum Group enter into Joint Venture Agreement to Build RODO Digital Prosthetics in the U.S. and Distribution Agreement in Canada

RODO Medical and The Aurum Group have entered into a strategic partnership to launch Rodo Digital Prosthetics (RDP) in the U.S. RDP will be a ...
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The Aurum Group launches a new logo in celebration of their 50th Anniversary.

A logo 50 years in the making. Revisiting a brand and logo with such history and accomplishment was no easy task. The Aurum Group logo ...
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